The Media Mummy

Does working from home equal free childcare?


EVEN though I work from home, I recently made the decision to pay for some extra childcare.

I’ve found it really hard to get things done for my business while attempting to keep a toddler entertained. Especially as he seems to think of me as his personal playmat – if he even senses I want to get some work done he clambers all over me!

It’s also hard because of people’s assumptions, that as you’re home every day, you must not have a ‘proper job’ or that I’m a kept woman (laughs out loud!).

The turning point for me was to realise that even though my business is based at home, I do need the dedicated time and space I would expect to get if I was leaving the house each morning and heading to the office.

I myself have to separate the two roles to help make each individual role work and be a success.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on working from home while trying to keep little ones entertained, especially any words of advice!

And if you fancy having a look at exactly what I do, please feel free to visit

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