The Media Mummy

Reading With My Toddler

I LOVE the fact that both my kids enjoy reading. As a child I would read late into the night in bed – I’d do the same now but I struggle to keep my eyes open once my head hits the pillow!

So it’s lovely to see my toddler fascinated with a selection of books we were gifted by Quarto books from their enchanting words & pictures preschool range.


The three distinctive sets include the Tales From Nature series by Magali Attiogbe, the waterproof Bath Books and the Peep Through series – First Words and Count 123 – by Jane Ormes.

They’re all great books, but my son is currently particularly fond of the Peep Through board book First Words which feature bold colours, a range of words for little ones to grasp and sturdy pages with cut out shapes allowing tiny hands to easily turn pages on their own.


There’s also a balance of easy words to match to the images and some which take more thought, making it great for the development of your child’s vocabulary.

Like all the offerings, the bath books – Colours and Shapes – are fun and colourful, but this time perfect for a lull during splash time in the tub!

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The Bee and Ladybird books have been added to the beautifully illustrated Tales From Nature series. The simple stories are a great introduction to nature for toddlers and encourage interest with windows and flaps dispersed throughout.

As a mum, what I particularly love about the board books is that as your child gets older, different aspects of the books will interest them as their vocabulary grows.

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