The Media Mummy

C-Section Awareness Month – what’s my story?

Pregnancy photoshoot with my second child

As a mother you seem to get judged before you even give birth, all your decisions are scrutinised by friends, family and even people you don’t know.

What food are you eating? Are you eating enough? Are you eating too much?

What do mean you’re going to the gym? (Lol, only joking, that would never be said to me!) Are you exercising too much? Can you do that while you’re pregnant?

And it’s crazy that women are judged or deemed any less a mother for having c-sections. I mean we all carried a human being in our bellies right?

It’s c-section awareness month and I’m grateful to have delivered two healthy babies via c-section. 

My first child was born via an emergency c-section after I spent four days in hospital being induced. Quite simply, for me it was an horrific experience – both mentally and physically – that I would not wish upon my worse enemy.

As I found the process of being induced quite traumatic, when it seemed to be on the cards again for my second child, I opted for an elective caesarean.

Anyone who has had the procedure knows it’s NOT the easy option. It takes weeks to recover and it can be distressing when you can’t lift yourself out of bed quick enough to get to your crying baby.

I remember sitting up and sleeping on the sofa the first night at home with my son (he was in a moses basket) because it was easier and less painful.

So, let’s all be a little kinder, a little more considerate, and a lot more supportive. However we had our babies we’re all trying to find our way through this crazy thing called motherhood.

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